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Friday, November 24, 2006
Favorite Ingredients Friday

It's leftover time! I actually don't have leftovers this year. Jim and I were on our own for this holiday, so we decided to go out to eat. This was, of course, with the understanding that next year I get to blow the roof off with a Thanksgiving extravaganza.

I miss leftovers though. I actually love them. I miss them so much that my plan for today is to make a mini-version of the meal with a roasted chicken. I can eat them just reheated as a repeat of the original meal. Or I just adore a giant sandwich piled high with turkey, stuffing, and a spoonful of cranberry relish. There is a point, however, when you've done what you can. The leftover turkey is crumbs or the pieces no one wants on a sandwich. We tend to use up all the breast meat in sandwiches. There's a little mashed potatoes left and way too much gravy. The vegetables are looking tired, and I swear the sausage stuffing has multiplied since we first ate.

This is when I came up with this recipe. It's not a recipe in the technical sense. It's more a method.

Begin by cooking some noodles, and preheating your oven to 375. You have to choose the amount based on the quantity of the remaining ingredients. Once your noodles are cooked, drain them and return them to a large pot. Now, add everything leftover but the sausage dressing. Mashed Potatoes? Check! Green Bean Casserole? Check! Cranberry sauce/relish? Check! Gravy? Check! Sweet Potato Casserole? Check! Other veggies? Check! You are limited only by what sounds disgusting to you. You'd be surprised how tasty this comes out though. If it's too dry, add some cream of whatever soup, mayonaisse, or sour cream, and pour into 13"x9" pan. Now crumble that leftover sausage dressing over the top, place in oven, and bake until heated through and bubbly.

Now, if I haven't grossed you all out to the point you're not reading, I have a favor to ask. Yesterday I got very frustrated researching strollers and car seats. Please read my post from yesterday and give me any advice you can. I need it!

Enjoy Black Friday, and have a great weekend!

Past FIF recipes:

Tex-Mex Chicken Taco Soup
Shrimp Mold
Pasta Puttanesca
Pork Milanese
Pumpkin Dip
Oven-fried Chicken
Best Bundt Cake Ever
Hot Dog Casserole
Chicken & Rice
Peanut Butter Fudge
Omelets in a Bag
Shrimp Boil
Apple Cheese
Pulled Pork BBQ


Blogger Pamela said...

Oh, you all are one of those sweet spoiled people who got to go out! I would go for that in a minute if, like you, I could have the best of both worlds and have the leftovers. lol I feel like my spirit just soars when Thanksgiving is over and everyone survived and seemed to go home happy! lol I love to cook but have to admit I just can't make a descent pie worth anything. This year my DIL saved me!

Love pasta and would never have thought of this recipe as working. You seriously want us to add the cranberry sauce too. Gee, I really have to try this! hehe! :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I will have to try this with my leftovers....Now about the strollers...I am not sure if you will be able to find a stroller that fits all of your criteria, especially if you want it to be affordable! Now, with that said, I recommend bying an umbrella stroller for when you go to a musuem or something; somewhere where the baby will be in and out of the stroller a lot. We have the Graco Quattro stroller and I love it. It has a lot of the things you want: reclines (4 positions), huge basket underneath for diaperbag AND shopping bags, sippy cup/snack tray, adult cup holder and organizer, folds with one hand. You can check it out here: http://www.babyuniverse.com/pro/baby/77307/QuattroTourLXIStroller-GCollection-DarkGreen.html
I love it and I would recommend it... Ours is grey, but I think they now even have it in cute pink!

Blogger Rae said...

That actually sounds like a very interesting mix of leftovers. I just might have to try it, if I work up the courage, being a picky eater and all ;) Oh and that artichoke/spinach dip might not be too bad..I just don't like artichokes or spinach whole/plain..but blended up I'm okay with them, haha.

As for the stroller thing, I wish I could help you out there, but unfortunately I have no experience in that area whatsoever. Hope you enjoyed your Black Friday!

Anonymous Anonymous said...


The handles don't extend - but almost every we know (short and tall people) have tried out this stroller of ours and have been happy with it. But, if extendable handles are a deal breaker...then you might want to look elsewhere. Though - we can order the stroller and return it for the full price so it really is completely risk free to try it out...since shipping is included in the price - you won't even be out shipping costs if it isn't right for you. Again, good luck!

Blogger Dawn said...

This sounds similar to a recipe my English friend Julie makes with leftovers called "Bubble and Squeek"... bascially you take all of your leftovers and fry it them all up in a pan. Sounds strange but it's delicious!!


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