Barb of A Chelsea Morning posed the above question. Other bloggers are linking their stories to her site, so go check them out.
First, I have to change that to sweetie as that has been our nickname for each other from the beginning. I don't remember who called the other that first, but that's what we both call each other now.
Our story is a bit unusual. It's becoming more common, but at the time we were the only ones we knew, or our friends and family knew, who met the way we met.
We met on the Internet.
Okay, I just deleted the novel I was writing here. Let me make a long story much shorter, if I can.
Girl buys computer in 1996. Girl is clueless about computer. Girl tries every Internet provider that has a free trial. The last one in the stack is AOL. AOL is highlighting a new interactive game being offered in their game section. Girl says, "hey, games sound fun!" Girl tries game, likes game, and makes new friends from all around the world. Friends Karen and Tom take their vacation to meet all their new Internet friends. Girl meets her first Internet friend in person when they come to New Orleans. Girl almost chickens out on the way to dinner; she gets so nervous that she almost pulls over to throw up. Apparently Girl thinks Internet friends are killers in disguise. Girl is wrong. Internet friends are normal and fun.
Months later, Girl has special group of friends in game. They meet regularly to solve quests and adventure. Boy is part of group. Girl and Boy chat as part of group, but have not connected yet. Girl finds out Boy is a teacher. Girl wants to quit job and become teacher. Girl asks Boy about teaching. Boy loves teaching and shares lots of information. In fact, Boy gets new teaching job and moves to new town.
Months later, Boy's move to new town and new job are big success. Boy's marriage not doing so well. Girl makes decision to go back to school and plans to cut work hours. Work decides to cut Girl. Both are dealing with big personal crisis. Boy's marriage counselling doesn't work. Girl's home in New Orleans floods, and she loses almost everything.
Months later, Boy's marriage ends. Girl has new job and is well on her way to finishing licensing program. Life is starting to get better for both. Both still play game. It helped during their crisis. Boy and Girl decide to meet in person. Boy and Girl agree to meet for Halloween weekend. How ironic and spooky. Girl's friends nervous about Boy. Boy's friends nervous about Girl. Boy flies many miles to visit Girl in New Orleans. Visit is perfect.
Boy flies back for Christmas break. Boy meets Girl's family at Christmas. Brother-in-law of Girl worries about woodchippers. BIL watches Fargo too many times. Visit big success.
Boy flies back for Mardi Gras. Boy loves Mardi Gras. By the way, did you know that Mardi Gras is really a family event in New Orleans? The Bourbon St. show you see on TV is all tourists. That's not how locals celebrate Mardi Gras.
Girl decides it's her turn to visit Boy. Girl visits for Easter.
Girl finds out about transfer open with her company for same position in Boy's town. Girl and Boy talk. They want to see if living in the same town makes or breaks relationship.
Girl moves to Boy's town.
Friends and family of Girl think she's gone insane to move a 17 hour car drive away. Girl says that sometimes you have to take that leap.
Boy and Girl fly to Arizona for her to meet Boy's family.
Boy proposes. Girl accepts.
Boy and Girl get married on March 31, 2000.
Boy and Girl have no regrets. The leap was a good one. That Boy is a keeper!
What a wonderful "love story" Magi. My brother who is 43 and never been married, just met a girl from the Phillipians. He is a high school math teacher, and during his break in the summer, flew to meet her and after talking online for three months, and spending 6 weeks there, he proposed and they are getting married.
After digesting the shock, we are all very happy for him, a little liery, but happy for him. I really never thought he would take the plunge!
I love you story, and I am so glad everything has worked out for you guys. Oh, and now you are adopting, so that is just going to be the icing on the cake!
Oh what a great story. Unusual but not so, really. God had it written above ages ago. Thanks for sharing!
Kind of unusual, but not all that far out. My honey and I met the same way. No woodchippers here!
It must have been fate! What a lovely story.
(I found you from Barb's link)
Okay, that was so clever and fun to read. I am so happy he didn't turn out to be a "killer in disguise". May you have many more happy years together.
You know, it's not that unusual for people to meet on the internet any more. I know it's scary and you have to be careful, but really, it's no different than all the friends we've made blogging.
I'm confused about the flood, though. I don't think you're talking about Katrina, right?
It sounds like you both went to a lot of effort to be near each other. What a happy ending.
I am so happy you met and found the love of your life. I love happy endings!
Magi, I love how you tell your "boy meets girl" story! :) That's so great that you both took a leap of faith and found your happiness together. Life works that way alot. In fact, adoption is a lot about leaps of faith.
Thanks for your comment on my How I met my honey post. I do appreciate your stopping by.
That leap is aloways a doozy, but knowing that it is working out so happily made me smile!
Thanks for your comment on my love story post! I've enjoyed visiting you here and reading your story. Thanks for sharing..
Oh that is so wonderful. I am glad I am not the only one out there who found love in cyer space..
Thanks for the viist to my blog..come back any time
Sweet! Thanks for visiting my blog--nice to meet you!
What an awesome story! You're a gutsy girl and I'm glad it worked out for ya!
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